The Milkmaid and Her Pail Story – Fun And Moral

the milkmaid and her pail

The Milkmaid and Her Pail is a fantastic story with moral lessons. If you love daydreaming, you should read this story and understand the beautiful learning. It focuses on working and doing action in real rather than thinking about the results. The Milkmaid and Her Pail Story In a village, a milkmaid was living. She … Read more

The Lion and The Mouse Story – Fun And Moral


The Lion and the Mouse The Lion and the Mouse Story is a famous tale with a moral lesson for all ages. It has various themes such as kindness, mercy, promise and friendship. We will unfold all those themes with a few FAQs at the end. Order A Customized Poem For Your Parents, Spouse or … Read more

Fox and Crane Story for Kids – Moral Stories

Fox and crane story

The Fox and the Crane story is famous among children. It gives a moral lesson that we should never try to make fun of others. Let’s start the story with this introduction. Kids, you must like playing games with friends. But is there anything that you can do but your friends can’t? You may run … Read more

The Cap Seller and Monkey Story – Fun & Moral for Kids

cap seller and monkeys story

The Cap Seller and Monkey story is one of the exciting tales for kids. It is a story of a wise cap seller and some mischievous monkeys. As a moral story, the tale teaches how wisdom helps in difficult situations in life. Without any wait, let’s start the story. The Story Once upon a time, … Read more

The Miser And His Gold Story – Fun and Moral

The Miser and his gold story

Kids! Have you ever heard a famous story of the Miser and his gold? It’s a fun tale that teaches a valuable lesson to all ages. You must be curious to listen to this story, but first, let’s know the meaning of a Miser. Meaning of the Miser A Miser does not spend money for … Read more

The Bundle of Sticks Story for Kids – Unity is Strength Moral

The bundle of sticks story

The Bundle of Sticks is a moral Story for Kids that teaches a valuable lesson. Here is the summary and story with a few important questions for children to learn. The Bundle of Sticks Summary A father strives to teach his sons about unity. He demonstrates this important lesson using a bundle of sticks. When … Read more

The Honest Woodcutter Story- Morals for Kids

The Honest Woodcutter

Introduction Kids, have you ever heard a story about the honest woodcutter? He was a very honest person, and in the story, his honesty got rewarded by a fairy. Let’s read the short moral tale, and know how his honesty brought him a good life. Story – The Honest Woodcutter In a village, a young … Read more

A Merchant and His Donkey Story For Kids

A merchant and his donkey story for kids

A merchant and his donkey lived in a town. He used to sell salt bags in the market, which required the use of a donkey. One morning, the merchant loaded two bags of salt on the donkey’s back and started walking. On their way, there was a river, and they had to walk through it … Read more