How To Celebrate Women’s Day in 2023

happy women's day

How To Celebrate Women’s Day International Women’s Day, celebrated annually on March 8th, is a day dedicated to celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women worldwide. It is also a day to raise awareness of gender inequalities and advocate for women’s rights. While there are many ways to celebrate Women’s Day, it … Read more

National Girl Child Day Poem- Poster & Slogans 2023

Save girl child poster

Save Girl Child Poem It is a poem to create awareness for saving the girl child. It is a necessity to understand and value women in our lives. To save a girl child, one must spread the word and spread awareness. The poem titled, ‘Save Girl Child,’ is dedicated to all girls (sisters, mothers, wives, … Read more

Mother’s Day Poem For Kids

Mother's day

This day is precious and loveliest of all, Let’s celebrate it together, either big or small. Dedicate this day to your mom, As her presence makes the house a home.   She is best, who will often amuse us, Smilingly cares about all without any fuss. From morning to night, she handles everything, Improves our … Read more