30 Good Manners for Kids – Your Kids Must Know

Good manners are essential in everyday life whether you are a kid or an adult. But it is prescribed that it should be learned from an early age. As parents, you must teach some common manners to your children regarding how to act, speak, or behave.

Your child might be good in mathematics or science, but they must follow good manners. It will shape their future, and they will be more socially acceptable. Here are 30 good manners for kids that you can teach them.

How to Teach Manners to Kids

Teaching good manners to children can be a boring topic for them. However, it’s an art and can attract them if you teach in an artistic way. If you teach your child to brush their teeth, they won’t be affected too much. But imagine, you recite a poem about brushing your teeth with them. They will be excited, they will learn, and they will practise. We have some tips to teach good manners to children.

Good manners for kids
30 Good manners for kids
Recite Poems

The easiest approach to teaching manners is to recite a poem on that. Kids love poems and with recitation, they will learn a manner in a fun and easy way.

Use Rhymes

Rhymes are like motors in boats. They urge readers to read more and more. If your poems have rhymes, kids will love that.


Encourage your kids to practice what has been taught in the poem. Your encouragement will push them to practice good manners in real life.

30 Good Manners For Children

Manner 1. Wash your hands.

For your children, handwashing is the most crucial technique. Before eating, they must wash their hands to prevent illness and get rid of germs. It is essential to have good hygiene and manners.

You can recite a lovely poem to your child while you teach them how to behave in this hygienic way. The poem rhymes, and your children will enjoy, reflect on, and put what is taught in the poem into practice. Check out and read the poem Wash Your Hands.

Manner 2. Brush your teeth.

Brushing is a healthy hygienic manner and everyone should brush twice a day. Kids must not eat any sugary items before sleeping as germs can attack their teeth. We have included some key points in the poem below.

Read the poem on Brush Your Teeth manner and recite with your kids.

Manner 3. Obey Your Parents.

From an early age, kids should obey and listen to their parents. However, it is an impossible task because they will not listen or understand that parents want the best for their children.

We have made a story that rhymes in a poetic style. If your child reads and understands what’s happening in the story, they will learn to Listen to the Parents in the poem.

Manner 4. Cover Your mouth.

Many times a child gets prey to coughing or sneezing. That time, they should cover their mouths. It helps in stopping germs from spreading in the air. Further, it’s a basic hygiene manner so others don’t feel awkward.

Here is the Cover your mouth poem, recite this easy rhyme poem with your children. It will help them to learn this basic but essential manner.

Manner 5. Say Thank you.

To show gratitude, children must learn to say Thanks to others. It’s one of the most important manners. They should thank everyone either relatives, friends or strangers whenever they get blessed by their help. Remember, thanks give a heartwarming feeling to the speaker and the listener.

Manner 6. Say Sorry.

Kids are rebellious and naughty. They would often do things that actually break something at home or make a mistake. Instead of hiding their mistakes, they should learn the manner to apologize. Saying sorry helps in solving issues and the acceptance of the fault is the real victory.

Teach your child to say Sorry whenever they make a mistake.

Manner 7. Say Excuse me.

Before interrupting someone, kids must say Excuse me. It can also be used to get someone’s attention when you are going to speak.

There are many situations when a child can say excuse me. Some of them are, whenever you are leaving for work, whenever you are intervening in a discussion, etc. Make sure they don’t say it on purpose but whenever needed so the others don’t feel bad.

Manner 8. Say Please.

Kids generally need something in daily life. It can be a toy at a relative’s home or a notebook from a friend. They must say please whenever they need something. It’s basic etiquette and should be used without any second thought.

Manner 9. Greeting others.

Whenever a visitor approaches home or meets anywhere, kids must greet them with a smile. It can be a simple hello or any cultural greeting like Namaste, etc.

Kids should greet their elders and it helps in communication.

Manner 10. Saying Goodbye.

Whenever someone is leaving, kids must say goodbye to them. It’s a manner that should be practiced and it gives hope to meet again soon.

Manner 11. Sharing is caring.

Sharing is one of the good manners for kids. When they learn to share toys, things and sweets with others, they actually share happiness.

Every child should learn in this manner. You can teach this manner to your child by donating their toys or clothes to poor kids. That way, they will learn good manners and satisfaction, and simultaneously, it will be good for poor children. Teach sharing with this kid’s story, The Letter of Anna.

Manner 12. Giving Introduction.

If your child has started talking, you should teach them to give an introduction. It’s helpful to get confidence in the children. Their introduction should include their names, their age, their parents’ names, their hobbies and the grade in which they study.

As anyone comes to meet your child, a good introduction creates a good image in their listener’s mind. The child becomes smart and confident.

Manner 13. Respect everyone.

Kids must respect everyone and they should not have emotions like hate, envy, hopelessness, etc. Teach them to respect others in the way they want to be respected back.

Manner 14. Say No to Nose Picking.

Teach your children to avoid picking their noses in public. It looks bad and unhygienic.

Manner 15. Knock on the door.

Whenever your kids are entering someone’s room, they should knock it first. Asking permission is important to avoid any uncomfortable scene.

Teach them to knock on doors before entering any room.

Manner 16. Not interfering when elders are talking.

Children should learn to never interrupt when elders are talking or discussing something. They should only talk when they are asked to.

Manner 17. Helping older citizens.

The young age is to learn, think and practice. Children should learn to help older people. It can be done either by opening doors for them, carrying their bags, or bringing things to them.

Manner 18. Never abuse.

In a world where everything is accessible on mobile, sometimes children get to know abusive words. Be strict and never allow them to use bad or abusive words to anyone. Instead, teach them moral values and good manners.

Manner 19. Never encourage their stubbornness.

Parents often fulfill their children’s wishes that are not even required. Make sure you provide a healthy and normal environment for your child. If you keep encouraging their stubbornness, they will never understand the value of money and hard work.

Manner 20. Handshake.

As a parent, you must have a niece or nephew of your child’s age. Teach your child to do a handshake with them, it will bring them closer. Further, a handshake promotes confidence and there is no void of strangeness.

Manner 21. Be Polite.

Whenever your family visits someone, your kids must behave politely. They should not disturb anyone or become naughty. Politeness brings all the love that we need.

Manner 22. Compliments bring smiles.

It is true that giving compliments helps in boosting confidence and social skills. Further, the listener gets a smile and a heartwarming feeling. Teach your child to give simple compliments to others. Also read, The ant and the grasshopper.

Manner 23. Don’t Complain.

Teach your children to do the task asked by the elders. Children are often reluctant in doing tasks for others but if you teach them as a guideline, they will follow it. Ask them to obey elders, aunts or uncles, and they will do tasks without complaining. It can be a simple task like bringing water bottles from the refrigerator.

Manner 24. Always respond.

Whenever children are asked, they should respond accordingly. No one likes to talk to kids who don’t respond.

Manner 25. Avoid Mobile phones.

Mobile phones are used in daily life but you should restrict their use. However, it can be used for a limit. Never allow kids to be on screen for more than an hour a day. They should not use mobiles while sitting with their elders. Say no to mobile phones on dining tables. Teach them benefits of healthy habits, such as Benefits of cycling for kids.

Manner 26. Never Bully.

Teach your kids never to bully anyone. You must have seen birthday parties where an older kid bullied younger kids by smashing their faces on a cake. That’s bullying. Educate them about supporting the younger children and always support them. Teach them values of equality, manners, behavior, etc.

Manner 27. Learn Empathy.

Everyone is not equal in financial, social or physical structure. Your child must learn empathy as it will help them in learning different perspectives. You can use children’s stories for that goal. They will start respecting others of any caste, creed, religion or sex. Here are some Moral Stories to read for free and learn with fun.

Manner 28. Have silent Burps.

After eating, some would burp, including kids as well. Teach them to burp silently by covering their mouth, and saying excuse me after burping. One should never flaunt burping louder, and as a parent, you should not support it.

Manner 29. Bath Daily.

Bathing is a basic necessity that includes cleaning the body. Further, bathing includes cleaning your nose, hair, etc., so you will not worry about picking your nose in public afterwards.

Manner 30. Teach Good Manners.

After learning good manners, your child must practice them and teach them to others. By that method, they will keep following and remembering good manners for kids.

Teach Shapes names with pictures to your kids.