Republic Day Poem 2023

Republic Day Poem in English:

Republic Day is celebrated every year on 26 January. It is the day when our Constitution was adopted and came into effect in 1950. This poem celebrates India as a Republic and is dedicated to all the brave hearts who fought for Indian freedom and made it the biggest democracy in the World.

Republic Day Poem-

26 January has a special significance 

for India as a nation, 

It marks the day of 1950 when 

we got our own Constitution. 


On this day, our Constitution was 

adopted and came into effect, 

It filled all hearts with pride, making India 

a republic and sovereign state. 


Republic Day is celebrated with all 

enthusiasm in the Rajpath parade, 

Every citizen feels excited watching the 

social heritage when displayed. 


The ceremony includes the soldiers of 

the army, navy, and air, 

Brave soldiers & citizens get the honor, 

of motivating the youth there. 


And the President hoists the flag, 

uniting India as one, 

Tribute is paid to great hearts 

that made it a Republican.


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