The Tiki Mask Family- An Adventurous Children’s Story

The bright sunlight knocked on the window as the morning approached. Joseph’s mother opened the windows and let in some fresh air. For Joseph’s school, it was a weekend and a holiday. She entered his room after reaching it.

“Sweetie, wake up,” she said, waving her hand across his brow.Surfing Story

He wished his mother a good morning.

On weekends, Joseph’s father decided to teach him how to surf. It was also a special day for him.

“Where is daddy?” inquired Joseph.

“He’s in the backyard,” she replied.

Joseph got out of bed and walked over to his father. His father was putting together a wooden mask in the garden.

“What’s this, daddy?” He inquired.

“Good morning, son. “This is a Tiki Mask.”

“Why are you placing it here?” Joseph was curious.

“It’s for good luck and its charm will bring positivity,” His dad said smilingly.

Joseph was excited and at the same time, satisfied with his answer. “We have to go surfing today,” Joseph said.

“Yes, go and get ready. Don’t forget to put on your surf suit, goggles and cap,” His father suggested.

Joseph got ready in a few minutes because of excitement. He packed everything that he was asked for.

Both of them started their journey in the car. They had wide smiles on their faces. After driving for a few kilometres, his father stopped the car.

“What happened daddy? ” Joseph asked.

“We will walk from here. It’s a beautiful forest with many plant species. Don’t you wanna see them?”

“Yes, I wanna see,” Joseph said getting out of the car.

Both of them were walking along a narrow pathway in the forest. Joseph was amazed looking at beautiful plant species, he observed unique birds chirping on tree branches and the greenery lifted his mood. Soon, they reached the beach.

The blue ocean was ahead and to Joseph, it was appearing as Sky and the Ocean were meeting at the end. Many people were already there, enjoying their weekend. Joseph wore his surf suit, goggles, and cap. He was ready to learn how to surf.

His father carried the surfboard and Joseph walked behind.

“Son, lay on this,” His father instructed.

Joseph followed the instructions and with his support came upon the board. The surfboard was floating in the ocean water which was giving Joseph a swift ride.

“Now, circulate your hands in the forward direction.”

Joseph was trying his best and he observed a motion on the board. However, whenever he was trying to stand, he was falling continuously.

In the afternoon, they both were relaxing when Joseph said, “I can’t do this, it’s difficult.”

His father looked at him and smiled. He wanted to say something but he took him to the beachside. A small fish had come to the beach and was struggling to swim back into the ocean.

“See this, son,” He said.

“It can’t move on the beach,” Joseph said.

However, the fish was struggling and with continuous movements, it finally reached the ocean and swam back.

“I hope you noticed. The fish couldn’t move but still, it struggled and finally reached its goal,” His father said.

Joseph learned a lesson today. “If you keep practising and struggling, you can surf too.”

Joseph smiled and got his confidence back. He practised there on the beach and became better. It was his positivity and perseverance that came from within. He enjoyed his day surfing and learned valuable lessons. Joseph thanked his father for that memorable day.

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