Heartwarming Christmas Story for 8 Years Old

It was December, and snowfall was occurring. Kids were happy because  Christmas was near. Anna was an innocent, silent, and kind girl, while,  Irwin was a stubborn child.

“Daddy, I’m writing what I want as a Christmas gift. Then Santa will send it to me,” Anna said. Daddy looked at her writing, and he read  A D O L L.

Soon Irwin came out of the room and asked, “Where are my red woolen socks, mommy? ” Suddenly, Anna confessed something. Anna said, “I’m sorry, Irwin. I   forgot to tell you. There is a hole in our garden tree where a squirrel  lives. It’s too cold so I kept woolen socks in the tree hole for the  squirrel.”

“Dad, I hung up my sock for Santa. So that he can put marbles there as a Christmas gift,” Irwin was angry at Anna. However, Anna had written something on the paper. Read the full heartwarming story below.